Tagged: creativity


Creative Christians Rock!

Hi everyone! I just started an online community to encourage Christian creatives to conquer challenges so that they can find joy in producing quality work and growing closer to God. Building a community like...


What Becomes of it?

It started with a vision Of the future in my imagination Idealized, romanticized, and perfect in conception Pure and lovely in visualization Brought forth, broken through the wall That separates mind from space Thought...


We Wouldn’t Practice Without Infinity

We practice in an effort to improve, to grow. To get better at music, relationships, work, life. Why do we do this? Because we’re not there yet. We’re not at our best, our most...


Artificial Intelligence for the Human Creative

  One of the benefits of computer artificial intelligence (AI) is that it gathers together the collected knowledge of the computers that have come before it. AI comes pre-loaded with any knowledge we want...


Self-Diagnosing Your Creative Roadblocks

God has placed us in a universe in which creativity can flourish. A virtually limitless palette to draw from as we go beyond imagination. But due to a variety of factors, our creative output...


What’s Your Creative Lever?

The process of creativity can be daunting. There’s so much raw material to choose from, and things can get complicated fairly quickly. In music, for instance, there is a near infinite selection of note...


Chuck Holmes Has Stories to Tell

God’s presence affects everything in my life, but—beyond whatever talent God gave me—it’s difficult to narrow anything down to a single facet of life, e.g., creativity. Some things that I write—”Views of the Cross,”...